Understanding the impact of entropy on policy optimization
Some work at Google Brain. -
An Introduction to Attention Mechanisms
Slides from my talk at the Montreal Deep Learning Meetup -
How to Visualize Your Recurrent Neural Network with Attention in Keras
A technical discussion and tutorial. Completed during my internship at Datalogue. -
Genetic Diversity In Circulating Tumor Cell Clusters
Genetic diversity plays a central role in tumor progression, metastasis, and resistance to treatment. Using recent progress in numerical models, we simulate macroscopic tumors to investigate the interplay between global growth dynamics, microscopic composition, and circulating tumor cell cluster diversity. -
The Rise of Conversational AI
I gave a talk at the first Montreal Bot Meetup held at Microsoft HQ. We talked about why bots are great and my journey making one. -
Disease Outbreak on College Networks
Explored the relationship of segregation on a stochastic campus network to the spread and control of a disease. -
Minerva Bot
Created a pseudointelligent chat bot on Facebook Messenger to aid students of McGill find information about courses, programs, buildings and printers faster. -
Predicting with Data Workshop
Held hands-on workshop to teach the basic concepts behind machine learning and how to implement them using Scikit-Learn. -
Comparison of Game Playing Algorithms and Heuristics in Hus
The exploration of the creation of an agent that plays the game of Hus. The best agent is based on minimax with alpha-beta pruning and a naive heuristic. -
Towards electroencephalography-based prosthetic control
Framework and prototype for a Siri-like system that can automatically detect tasks like grasping and liftingthrough the EEG brain signals potentially leading to building better neuroprosthetics. -
Computational Oncology
I simulate cancer growth and their genomes in silico and used it to determine tumor heterogeneity. Over 7000 lines of pure python. -
Quantifies stress levels in the workplace using heart rate measurements from commercial wearables like the FitBit. Wrote the algorithm to calculate the Heart Rate Variability. -
A companion travel app that recommends day itineraries based on mood. -
TwitFem Attitude Analysis
Used 1M tweets to determine the most characteristic words used by feminisits and anti-feminists with the log-likelihood keyness method.